Special Purpose
Tape Recorder (1955-1967)
Hugh Le Caine
had heard radio broadcasts of tape music since the early 1950's
and he had worked extensively with tape reverberation, feedback
and multi-track recording. After the NRC programme in electronic
music began, the focus of his instruments shifted from performance
to composition.
This 1957
photograph of the prototype Special Purpose Tape Recorder shows
the six reels of tape playing simultaneously, the keyboard with
which the playback speed was controlled, and a series of tape
loops hanging above the instrument.
He began to work
on a device which he called the "Multi-track" to alter
the playback speed of recorded sound, which would facilitate the
use of recorded sound as a compositional material. By 1955, the
first prototype of this new instrument was able to play six tapes
simultaneously, changing the playback speed of each tape independently
and recombining the resulting sound into a single recording. The
tapes were played on a single capstan at the left of the instrument
while the speeds were controlled by a three-octave keyboard on
the right.
Volume was controlled
in six groups by six touch sensitive keys. Later, with the assistance
of Gordon Ellis and Horace Aubrey, the instrument was expanded to
play ten stereo tapes and produce a stereo output. The instrument
was actually more of a multiple tape player than a tape recorder
though it was formally called the "Special Purpose Tape Recorder."
- The 1955 Prototype
- The Special
Purpose Tape Recorder at the University of Toronto
- The 1961 Model
- The Special
Purpose Tape Recorder at McGill University
- The 1967 Model
The 1955 Prototype
Le Caine expanded
a multi-track tape recorder he had built in his home studio, and
in 1955 installed a variable speed control for the playback mechanism.
That fall he composed his landmark "Dripsody" using
the new multi-track Special Purpose Tape Recorder.
keyboard of the 1955 prototype.
The Special
Purpose Tape Recorder at the University of Toronto
The central instrument
in the studio at the University of Toronto was the Special Purpose
Tape Recorder. When the studio opened in 1959, it was the first
in Canada and the second in North America. Myron Shaeffer, the
studio director, designed and built the Hamograph to control the
Special Purpose Tape Recorder.
Shaeffer, in 1964, at the console the Special Purpose Tape Recorder;
to his right is the Hamograph.
The 1961
After the Edward
Johnson Building was opened at the University of Toronto, the
new electronic music studio in the basement was equipped with
two work areas. A second and greatly refined Special Purpose Tape
Recorder, (here demonstrated by Gordon Ellis, Le Caine's assistant
at the National Research Council) was installed in the second
work area.
Ellis at the keyboard of the 1961 version of the tape recorder.
The Special
Purpose Tape Recorder at McGill University
Le Caine (center) demonstrates the internal controls of the 1964
version of the Multi-track Tape recorder to Istvan Anhalt (left)
and Helmut Blume (back) of the Faculty of Music of McGill
McGill Studio was well established by 1968. The adjustable filter
is in the foreground, the Multi-track Tape Recorder at left. Istvan
Anhalt is shown using the Spectrogram with the Oscillator bank
at the rear.
The 1967
Le Caine plays the last and most compact of five Special Purpose
Tape Recorders at the National Research Council lab in 1967.
Printed circuit keys were used to control speed changes of the
stereo tapes playing on the common capstan of the Special Purpose
Tape Recorder.